For a fourth year running, rOpenSci is excited to announce another unconference in 2017 with a new venue in ☀ Downtown LA. We're organizing this event to bring together scientists, developers, and open data enthusiasts from academia, industry, government, and non-profit to get together for a few days and hack on various projects. Past projects have related to open data, data visualization, data publication and open science using R. To ensure a safe, enjoyable, and friendly experience for everyone who participates, we have a strict code of conduct and terms and conditions.
We are assembling an exciting team of developers and enthusiasts representing academia, industry, government, and various open source projects.
Smith College
UC Berkeley, rOpenSci
UC Berkeley, rOpenSci
Imperial College London, rOpenSci
TCB Analytics, data nerd at large
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, R-Ladies Global Co-Founder, R-Ladies London
Living the Dream
Stanford University
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Michigan State University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Vanderbilt University, RStudio, R-Ladies Nashville
University of Chicago
University of Washington
University of Kentucky
Colorado State University
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
U.S. Federal Reserve Board
Iowa State University
Lehman College, CUNY
Uncommon Schools, R-Ladies NYC
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
rOpenSci, UC Berkeley
Cross Campus, Downtown LA
All unconference ideas will begin as GitHub issues on the unconf repo in the weeks before the event. However, the actual schedule will not be decided until the morning of the 25th. You can see some of the projects proposed for last year's event.